Flash flooding has taken a toll on the Streets of Forest Hill. Photos: Riverina Weather (Facebook).
Residents of Forest Hill to Wagga’s East are literally picking up the pieces after yesterday’s deluge.
The rain thundered down in the mid-afternoon dumping over 60 mm in an hour causing drains to overflow with bubbling gouts of water.
In minutes, streets became raging rivers and the roads beneath crumbled away.

Some parked cars were inundated and pushed around by the torrents of muddy water. Video after video on social media shows drivers continuing to take their chances in axle-deep floodwaters.
Miranda Smith shared a video from Cypress Street showing a small white car adrift, pushed metres down the road from its curbside parallel park and turned almost 90 degrees.
The Riverina Weather Facebook page went live as the rain eased, sharing videos of sodden parks and paddocks and shellshocked neighbours venturing outside to watch the water pouring past their front doors.
Dramatic photos of the aftermath show the blacktop shattered into a mosaic of bitumen as water continues to bubble up from overflowing drains.
You can stay up to date with the latest alerts on the Hazard Watch page here, the Murrumbidgee SES Facebook page here, and you can keep an eye on the river heights here.
For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW SES on 132 500.
In life-threatening situations, call triple zero (000) immediately.