14 March 2025

Double achievement: Nicola Baatan first Turvey Park Girl Guide to secure two awards in 15 years

| Shri Gayathirie Rajen
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Nicola Baaten and MP Michael McCormack

Nicola Baaten first made her Promise as a Girl Guide in February 2017 and on 2025 International Women’s Day received the Baden-Powell Certificate from Member for Riverina Michael McCormack. Photo: Claire Baaten/MP Michael McCormack, Facebook.

After three years of dedication and hard work, Nicola Baaten has earned the highest achievement for her age group in Girl Guides – the Baden-Powell Certificate.

The Turvey Park Girl Guide is only the second guide in 15 years to receive the prestigious BP Award after successfully completing 18 challenges across six guiding principles: Promise and Law, Outdoors, Service, World Guiding, Guiding Traditions, and the Patrol System.

Nicola, who received the Junior BP aged nine, is the first Turvey Park Guide to achieve both awards.

Nicola said she was thrilled to complete the challenges and receive the BP Award.

“I just wanted to do it,” she said.

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Despite challenges such as public speaking, the 13-year-old gained confidence and valuable skills including archery.

“Just give it a go – it’s lots of fun,” she said, encouraging other young Guides and girls interested in joining.

Nicola, who joined the Turvey Park Girl Guides in 2017, loves being a Guide and the opportunities it provides to cook, camp and participate in exciting activities.

Local dignitaries attended the award ceremony to show strong community support for the Girl Guides. They included Member for Riverina Michael McCormack, Wagga Wagga Mayor Dallas Tout, 2025 Miss Wagga Wagga Amy Hickey and Community Princess Maggie Enever.

On social media, Mr McCormack said he was delighted to present Nicola with her Baden-Powell Certificate on International Women’s Day.

“Nicola has committed much of her time helping raise funds for many local causes through her role as a Turvey Park Girl Guides member,” Mr McCormack said. “Congratulations, Nicola, on such a wonderful effort.”

Nicola’s mother, Claire Baaten, a long-time Guide leader, said she was immensely proud of her daughter’s achievements.

“She always goes above and beyond to achieve,” Mrs Baaten said. “Very proud.”

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Mrs Baaten thanked Mr McCormack and Cr Tout for attending the ceremony and supporting the Turvey Park Girl Guides.

Joining the Guides as a seven-year-old in 1991, Ms Baaten became a leader in 2008.

Her younger daughter, Samantha, 10, is now also a Guide and earned her Junior BP Award last year.

Mrs Baaten is proud of her daughters and the confidence they have gained.

“They’re both doing well. Nicola, in particular, was very shy when she was younger. Since joining Guides, she has come out of her shell so much. Samantha is the same – they’re both building confidence in a safe space where they can try new things.”

Want to join the Turvey Park Girl Guides? Sign up for the Biggest Morning Tea or message the group via its Facebook page.

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