31 January 2025

‘Public is laughing at us’: Griffith Council rejects move to make its building an alcohol-free zone

| Oliver Jacques
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council building exterior

Alcohol consumption will still be allowed at the Griffith City Council building after a 5-4 vote against a ban. Photo: Griffith City Council.

The Griffith City Council building will not be declared an alcohol-free zone, after a motion to prohibit the consumption of beer, wine and spirits on the premises was voted down by a narrow majority of councillors on Tuesday (28 January).

Deputy Mayor Anne Napoli put forward the so-called ‘booze ban’ motion late last year, but at that time a decision was delayed and the council instead requested a report on the matter from its staff.

The report was tabled at the first council meeting of the year on Tuesday, with Ms Napoli moving a motion to enact the prohibition.

“This [goes] in line with the community expectations and I’m sure most of us heard their cries when they heard [the motion wasn’t previously passed],” she said.

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Mayor Doug Curran spoke against the ban.

“I think it’s very presumptuous to say the 30 or 40 comments on social media were cries [from the public],” he said.

“I think this connotation that there is community uproar around alcohol consumption in this building … $931 was spent on alcohol in 2023/24 for 23 people.

“I have never had a complaint in my 16 years in council in regards to consumption of alcohol … I have not had one community member tell me they think that this is a good idea.

“If we are going to attract people to these roles … and tell them you can not even have a mid-range beer or a wine when you complete your role tonight … we had a workshop recently that finished at 11 pm at night.”

Councillor Laurie Testoni also opposed the proposed ban.

“My thoughts are what are we going to do when we have dignitaries in town – offer them a soda water?” he asked.

“This has gone on long enough; we are a bit of a laughingstock in regards to this issue. If you want to have a wine or a beer I am not going to stop you.”

Councillor Mark Dal Bon said dignitaries could be taken across the road to the licensed Griffith Regional Theatre for a drink, but Mayor Curran said it was often closed when guests were visiting councillors.

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Cr Dal Bon also wanted the matter finalised.

“We should vote on this and get it out of the way, we have more pressing issues,” he said.

He voted in favour of the ban, as did Anne Napoli, Scott Groat and Christine Stead.

But Mayor Curran, Laurie Testoni, Shari Blumer, Jenny Ellis and Tony O’Grady all opposed it, meaning the motion was lost 5-4.

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As long as all the staff, outdoor and indoor can get on the turps from 10am, I can’t see any problems.
It can’t be just for Councillors, the Mayor and Senior staff.

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