24 May 2024

New speed limit for Cootamundra's main street

| Jarryd Rowley
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Drivers travelling down Cootamundra’s main street will soon be limited to 30 km/h to better protect pedestrians. Photo: Jessie-Lee Waite/Visit Cootamundra.

A new speed limit will soon come into effect on Cootamundra’s main street.

The new 30 km/h speed zone on Parker Street, implemented by Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (GCRC), was initially recommended to the local council following a speed zone review undertaken by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

According to a statement from GCRC, the Local Traffic Committee – consisting of local police, TfNSW staff, MP Stephe Cooke and council members – considered the advice from the speed zone review conducted by NSW Police about driver behaviour in the CBD.

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“The review found a reduction from 50 km/h to 30 km/h will improve safety in the area. The issue was raised due to the high number of pedestrians and the continual crossing of Parker and Wallendoon streets between the dedicated crossings,” the statement read.

“Other factors also considered were the street vegetation and the reverse parking as issues with traffic flow. Safety of all users was deemed of high importance in slowing down traffic.”

Approval was given from TfNSW for the high pedestrian activity area (HPAA) to be implemented and will result in a 30 km/h speed limit along Parker Street between Adams Street and the Stratton Bridge at Muttama Creek.

Wallendoon, Adams and Bourke streets will also be reduced between the laneways leading up to Parker Street, and a portion of Wallendoon Street towards the Post Office will be included in the HPAA.

CGRC Mayor Charlie Sheahan acknowledged that drivers woud need to be wary of the speed change but insisted that the reduced speeds would be safer for pedestrians.

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“This topic has been on the agenda for over 12 months, and has been discussed at length within council, the Local Traffic Committee and public consultation was sought via an online survey,” he said.

“The results of which proved positive, with local business owners especially supporting the change to the speed limit in the CBD.

“The expected implications of this reduced speed limit will mean the unhindered time to travel the length of Parker Street will be 84 seconds instead of 51 seconds at 50 km/h. I’m sure we can all take it a little slower to ensure the safety of all pedestrians within the busy area of Parker and Wallendoon streets.”

Variable message boards are in place advising motorists of the change in traffic conditions from 3 June.

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