The incident allegedly occurred at a dental surgery in Griffith. Photo: Pickpik/stock image only.
A man who allegedly took a 12 cm knife out of his pocket at a dental surgery in Griffith is set to face court in the near future.
Acting Griffith Police Inspector Brett Jameson informed Region the alleged incident occurred at about 8:30 am on Thursday 11 April. A 46-year-old man entered a dental surgery in Griffith and while being treated by the staff allegedly removed a knife from his pocket and then placed it back. The man did not threaten anyone with the knife.
Griffith Police arrived a short time later and located the man in the waiting room. Police alleged the man told them he had the knife and placed it on the sofa. The man was searched by police, who found no other weapons in his possession. The man allegedly told police he had the knife ‘for work’, but didn’t leave it at his workplace because he was concerned it may be stolen.
Police did not deem this to be a reasonable excuse to carry the knife in public. They issued the man with a court attendance notice to attend Griffith Local Court in the near future to face charges of possessing a knife in a public place.
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