Kim (second from the right) and her trusty Brew crew. Photo: Supplied.
Who is Kim Wilson: I’m a mother of four, wife and cafe owner.
Best recent dining experience: I don’t often go out for tea in Wagga, but I recently had an amazing meal at Akiba in Canberra.
Favourite cuisine: Anything Asian-inspired.
Most embarrassing pantry item: Ice Magic ice cream topping.
What ingredient can I not live without: Eggs.
Best coffee spot in Wagga: I haven’t had a coffee anywhere other than The Brew for nearly two years! But if I’m out for a meeting, I’ll go to 10 Best Street – because Sebastian Beard is really nice – or Mr. Lawrence.
Next big thing in the Wagga food scene: I think healthy takeaway meal boxes would catch on. People can have lunches ready made for five days – like Hello Fresh, but for really time-poor people.
A must-try on our menu: The tofu scramble.
My biggest culinary influence: Troy Scammell (head chef at The Brew).
Favourite cookbook: Stephanie Alexander’s The Cook’s Companion.

Kim’s death row meal – The Brew’s gochujang tofu scramble with spring onion, crispy shallots and sesame-crusted avocado on toasted sourdough. Photo: The Brew.
Who I admire in the Wagga food and wine scene: Tania Sibrey from Food I Am; she’s amazing.
What are this week’s specials at The Brew?: We do soups throughout winter – this week’s special is French onion.
Death row meal: Tofu scramble. Water or a beer – that sounds weird but I love water, I really enjoy it.
My least favourite food: I am a lover of all foods, but I hate things that have been microwaved. I grew up in that generation when the microwave was a trendy new invention and my parents microwaved anything and everything and it wasn’t good! Also two minute noodles and badly cooked stew.
My COVID-19 response: We had a COVID marshall, before it all really kicked off. When we went into lockdown, we had our takeaway window running most of the time, selling takeaway food and coffees – we were lucky we had that available to us. We started selling things like artisan bread and cookie dough, things that people needed or could take home with them.
My top three cooking tips: 1. Keep your friand mixture in the fridge before you cook them. 2. Don’t overmix eggs. 3. Always taste before serving.