6 February 2025

'Crisis that will leave the main street a ghost town': Empty shopfronts in Wagga CBD cause concern

| Jarryd Rowley
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Richard Foley has called for Wagga's political leaders to go out and bat for main street business owners.

Richard Foley has called for Wagga’s political leaders to go out and bat for main street business owners. Photo: Jarryd Rowley.

If you walked down Wagga’s main street in the past month or so, you might have noticed a few ‘For Lease’ signs.

On Wednesday (5 February), Region counted more than 30 storefronts that were either empty, up for sale or for lease between the intersections of Baylis and Morrow streets and Baylis and Edward streets.

It begs the question, what is causing Wagga businesses to flee from the city’s busiest patch of road?

According to PRD Real Estate Agent Simon Azzopardi, the answer is frustratingly simple.

“Interest rates are hurting a lot of small businesses,” he said.

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“The consistently high rates would no doubt be the main driver of people either closing up or moving elsewhere. With the cost of living being as expensive as it is, it’s all contributing to stores closing.

“It’s definitely up [the number of for lease storefronts] for where it was 12 to 24 months ago.”

Mr Azzopardi said new leases didn’t normally take effect in December or January, with most leases being renewed at the beginning of the new financial year.

“Businesses sort of move around after the end of financial year once they’ve got their budgets in place; it’s quite unusual to see this number of empty storefronts at this time of year.”

Wagga Wagga Councillor Richard Foley said the current state of empty storefronts was a crisis that the leaders of Wagga Wagga needed to address.

“We need to start working with our state member and our federal member because unfortunately, our leadership is bereft on this situation,” he said.

“There’s nothing for business owners here at the moment and it has a knock-on effect on employment and investment for the whole city.

“It’s a genuine crisis that will leave the main street a ghost town if we keep this up. We need to look at ways that we can get some of these people who are the owners of these buildings to drop these rents or even consider redevelopment.”

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Committee 4 Wagga CEO Scott Sanbrook said the committee had continued to hear from struggling businesses and believed it was a growing concern.

“We have been hearing for quite some time that an increase in operating costs has really been hurting businesses in Wagga,” he said.

“Obviously the growing number of empty shops is a reflection of these tougher times.

“It’s a concern for businesses and the wider community as we all strive to contribute to a prosperous city. Business operators need our support and one way we can make a difference is by shopping and investing locally.”

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Nothing new Wagga is not a go ahead place always been the same too many what if scenarios when something new wants to come to town.You only have to look around the Riverina many smaller places much more go ahead, as for the Bomen project you’ll need a four wheel drive to access it with the surrounding roads go to Albury if you wish to see what proper industrial infrastructure looks like & why they have so much industry.

Michelle McIntosh2:59 pm 07 Feb 25

Wagga Main Street rents have always been absorbent. The family cartels who own many of the premises happily keep them empty and get a tax right off.

Never in a million years would the owners drop the rents. They don’t care about Wagga only their deep pockets and they are contributing to the problem of empty shops.

Nicholas Todd9:47 pm 06 Feb 25

The main street is so dull aswell. looks terrible. no street appeal. need to make it a fresh vibrant place for people to walk down. wagga council one of the worst in Australia. for such a big town there is sweet **** all

Phil Lamotte4:21 pm 06 Feb 25

I respectfully disagree that our CBS is “in crisis”. Today (6 Feb) Some of the vacancies you describe are 1st floor single rooms, or shops with council DA’s lodged so are likely to be occupied once approved. There are a number under development. A better title for your story would be “resilient Wagga CBD defies the trend”.

Michael Cameron1:09 pm 06 Feb 25

Having lung and heart problems, for me to visit the shops in the main drag, I had been constantly assaulted by smokers. So these days I just shop in the non smoking malls. Baylis street is near as bad as the entrance to Wagga Base Hospital!

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