30 May 2024

$70.8 million infrastructure boost to fast-track new homes for Wagga

| Chris Roe
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Wagga is in line for a $70.8 million infrastructure boost to get more homes to market sooner.

Wagga is in line for a $70.8 million infrastructure boost to get more homes to market sooner. Photo: levkr.

The NSW State Government aims to inject more than $70 million into local infrastructure projects along with Wagga City Council to help fast-track the building of around 14,000 new homes.

The latest round of the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund has delivered a thumbs up to three projects associated with Wagga’s northern and southern growth areas.

Member for Wagga Wagga Dr Joe McGirr applauded the government and council for “their investment in the future”.

“This funding will drive growth to Wagga Wagga’s north and south, expanding the industrial and housing base in the north and opening the way for thousands of people to build new homes in the south,” he said.

“In the longer term, the works will provide the infrastructure to develop 14,500 homes in the combined northern and southern areas.”

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The NSW Government has allocated $137.19 million to fast-track a total of nine infrastructure projects in five high-growth regional NSW communities with co-contributions from the councils of $64.7 million.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully said it was about laying the groundwork to get things moving as quickly as possible.

“Accelerated delivery of infrastructure like sewage treatment plants and adequate roads will allow more new homes to be approved sooner in these growing regional areas,” he said.

“Housing affordability and availability is the biggest single pressure facing the people of NSW, and that’s why we are focusing investment in these key infrastructure projects to clear the way for new and thriving communities to take shape.”

Bathurst, Port Macquarie-Hastings, Shoalhaven and Tweed Shire will all receive funding, with Wagga claiming the lion’s share with $70.8 million spread across three projects to be completed by the end of 2026.

“These areas are growing fast and this funding will mean people will have functioning and well-serviced new homes to live in,” said Mr Scully.

“A new home is no good if you cannot flush the toilet or drive down the road to the park.”

According to Planning NSW, the upgrades to the northern side of the city will “provide sewer capacity to cater for housing growth in the northern growth area and industrial growth in the Bomen Special Activation Precinct to support 9000 homes”.

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To the south of the city, DevCore Property Group is moving ahead on the ambitious Rowan Village, off Holbrook and Lloyd roads, which will include more than 2000 homes and was scheduled to be released to market later this year.

The upgrades to Plumpton Road north and south will service this development and see a “duplication of the corridor between Lake Albert Road and Rowan Road, including eight intersection upgrades and associated stormwater infrastructure”.

Dr McGirr said it would provide a “kick start” to the city’s southern growth.

“The duplication of the Plumpton Road corridor, north and south, will create the infrastructure needed to develop 2900 new homes in the southern growth area in the short term and a total of 5500 homes over the long term,” he explained.

“The next challenges will involve ongoing improvements to road, rail and bridge infrastructure to underpin that growth, but today’s announcement is a very welcome development that opens the way to an exciting future for Wagga.”

Region has contacted Wagga City Council for a response.

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