Minister for Families and Communities Kate Washington with Dr Joe McGirr at Wagga Beach. Photo: Chris Roe.
Communities in the Riverina recovering from last year’s floods have this week received a boost, with the NSW Government unveiling a $9.1 million flood recovery package.
The Minister for Families and Communities Kate Washington was in Wagga on Tuesday (11 December) and said the funding would support local organisations in the Western, Murrumbidgee, Far West and New England districts to provide frontline assistance.
“It’s designed to really help individuals recover from the floods because we know after natural disasters the impacts linger long and we want to ensure that those that are still struggling have the supports that they need,” she said.
“There are almost 60 organisations that have been funded under this program and we are supporting them to provide the support that communities need in the wake of the floods, and what might come in the future.”
The grants range between $50,000 and $200,000, with more than $3 million to be divided between more than 30 organisations in the Riverina Murray region including St Vincent de Paul, RivMed, Boys to the Bush and the Wagga Women’s Health Centre.
“Hearing of the programs that these amazing organisations have already got underway as a result of this funding is really heartening,” Ms Washington said.
“It’s really about community resilience, building back the support, dealing with the trauma that comes on the back of natural disasters, and bringing community together and strengthening community so that we can be stronger in the future.”
Ms Washington highlighted the fact that many of the organisations dealt with the social repercussions of natural disasters.
“I’ve heard today from the Wagga Wagga Women’s Health Centre and Joanna [acting director Johanna Elms] was just saying today that as a result of natural disasters, the demand for these services increases threefold; the domestic and family violence increases threefold after a natural disaster,” she said.
“So this is why this grant program exists, knowing that there are significant impacts that flow on over time as a result of floods, fires, or the natural disasters that keep hitting communities across this area.”
You can see a full list of the grant recipients on the Department of Communities and Justice site.