20 June 2024

You can't beat free local news from Region Riverina

| Chris Roe
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Keep up with the news with Region Riverina.

Keep up with the news with Region Riverina. Image: Region.

If you love your local community as much as we do and you want to keep up with the news and views that make it home, sign up for Region Riverina’s FREE daily digest.

Every day, we package up a handful of the latest news stories and deliver them directly to your inbox, in one easy-to-read email.

You’ll get a quick snapshot of our latest yarns about the people, places and businesses of the region, written by journalists who live here.

READ ALSO Region Riverina’s Chris Roe and the long journey to journalism

We love telling the stories that matter – real people doing incredible things to help others. We celebrate businesses new and old; we’ll keep you up to date with what’s on, and the local history with our Riverina Rewinds.

Best of all, Region Riverina stories will never be behind a paywall, so when you see a story you like in your daily digest, simply click on it and it’s yours to read, absolutely free.

READ ALSO Region Riverina’s Jarryd Rowley had other plans before pursuing journalism

Sign up today, and tell your friends! With Facebook and some of the big media players reducing your access to free local news, the best way to support us is by helping yourself to a daily dose of good news from Region Riverina. If you want to know more about who we are, head to Region’s corporate website.

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Daily Digest

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