Walter Burley Griffin is the man who designed Griffith, apparently with the help of his wife Marion. Photo: National Library of Australia.
The school formerly known as Wade High could have its name changed to Burley Griffin High or Murrumbidgee High, according to a new survey the NSW Government has asked the public to complete.
Longstanding schools Griffith High and Wade High were combined to create the so-called ‘super school’ Murrumbidgee Regional High (MRHS) in 2018, which then de-merged in 2024.
As Region revealed last week, the NSW Department of Education has begun a consultation process to rename the two schools – currently known by the convoluted titles Murrumbidgee Regional High School – Griffith and Murrumbidgee Regional High School – Wade.
On Tuesday (25 February), it released an online survey that asks the public to choose from four options to name each school. People can vote for the former Wade High to regain its historical name, or instead be called Murrumbidgee High, Burley Griffin High or a fourth choice in which the survey respondent writes in their own idea.
Walter Burley Griffin was an American architect who designed Griffith, Leeton and Canberra in the early 1900s. Murrumbidgee is an adaptation of the Wiradjuri language word Marrambidya, which means “big water”.
“We are currently in the process of renaming Murrumbidgee Regional High School – Wade and would like you to be part of the process,” the NSW Department of Education survey blurb states.
“The consultation plan will include input from the P&C [Parents & Citizens Association], the AECG [NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc], staff, students and the wider community. Meetings have been called, focus groups assembled and surveys were issued to the school community to compile a list of three prospective names for the school.
“The shortlisted names were based upon the school’s location and history in line with Department of Education school naming policy. We would now like the wider community to cast their vote on the preferred name for the school here.
“Once all the data has been collated, we will make a submission to the executive director and deputy secretary of the Department of Education who will then submit the name to the NSW Minister of Education for approval.
“Upon the school’s renaming, we can then work towards rebranding the school and establishing new uniforms. In the meantime, thank you for being a part of this process.”
A survey on the former Griffith High gives the public the choice of keeping the old name or renaming it Griffith City High, Griffith Secondary School or a fourth choice in which the survey respondent writes in their own idea.
The two schools are already operating as separate entities, having obtained different NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) numbers last year. This means that teachers can undertake assessments and plan lessons without having to consult with the other school.
Each school also now has its own principal. MRHS had one principal who moved between sites to manage staff and make decisions.
Griffith High was opened in 1933 and was named after the town. Wade High opened in 1971 and was named after Leslie Wade, a civil engineer who led the development of the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA).
You can take the survey here.