2 September 2024

True-blue bonds as Mayor Kelly officiates his first citizenship ceremony in Gundagai

| Shri Gayathirie Rajen
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three adults and two children with their citizenship certificates

The Joshi family (from left), Garvita, Lalit, Papty and Livaan, with Liliana Baker, reciting the pledge of commitment at the Australian citizenship ceremony. Photo: Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council.

Gundagai welcomed five new Australian citizens at its recent citizenship ceremony.

Recently elected Cootamundra-Gundagai Mayor Gil Kelly officiated his first citizenship ceremony at the Gundagai Council Chambers on 22 August.

The Joshi family, comprising Lalit, Papty and children Garvita and Livaan, along with Liliana Baker, were joined by family and friends at the ceremony and were presented with their citizenship certificates.

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Liliana came to Australia in 1986 to escape the war in Argentina and to make a better life for herself and her two daughters. She has lived in Gundagai for 13 years and said she loved it with a passion.

“Being a citizen now gives me a true sense of belonging,” she said.

Lalit and Papty have lived in Gundagai for eight years and have immersed themselves in the community by setting up two businesses in the town: a travel agency and a security firm.

Garvita attended Gundagai Primary School and is now a Mater Dei Catholic College student, while little Livaan was born in Gundagai in 2021.

“Gundagai is our home town,” Lalit said after receiving his citizenship certificate. “It is very similar to where we grew up in India.

“We feel it is the best place to live.”

man giving a boy a plant

Cootamundra-Gundagai Mayor Gil Kelly presents young Livaan Joshi with a native plant to recognise the occasion. Photo: Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council.

In his speech, Cr Kelly said it was vital for the Gundagai community to continue to provide a safe, welcoming and inviting society that was a beacon of diversity and embraced contrasting cultural ideals.

“In our region, the people are its heart, the incredible community spirit and welcoming atmosphere,” he said.

“We are widely known for the friendliness and open-heartedness our communities offer. These attributes make me extremely proud to be a representative of this area.

“We must overcome the voices of dissent and division among us to unite so that we can adapt to and succeed in making our region the best it can be.

”It is my great pleasure, as your Mayor, to formally recognise you as citizens of Australia and welcome you all as our newest Australian Citizens.”

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All conferees were presented with Australian citizenship certificates and a native plant to mark the occasion.

After the ceremony, all enjoyed afternoon tea provided by the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council and were able to speak with council staff and Councillors Penny Nicholson and Abb McAlister.

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