23 June 2024

Six-foot Griffith Blacks winger scores two tries on rep debut in Brumbies Provincial Championships

| Oliver Jacques
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Megan Lonsdale holding ball

Megan Lonsdale says rugby union is more unpredictable than league. Photo: Oliver Jacques.

Griffith Blacks winger Megan Lonsdale has scored two tries on her debut in the Brumbies Provincial Championships, an elite country rugby representative competition that acts as a feeder for Australia’s leading provincial rugby team, the ACT Brumbies.

At just 17, Lonsdale stands six feet tall – her height, reach and speed have turned her into a try-scoring machine for the Blacks. She scored a hat trick in her first match for the senior local team in April.

At some point, she was spotted by a Brumbies talent scout who was impressed with her local club form and selected to play for the Southern Inland Rugby Union women’s team, which is made up of the best players in the Riverina-Murray region. It came as a surprise as she hadn’t even tried out for selection and had only been playing the sport for a couple of years.

“My mum got a message the other week asking if I wanted to play for them. It was a last- minute decision,” she said.

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Wearing the number 11 jersey, Lonsdale showed no nerves. Just 24 minutes into the match against Monaro, she crossed for the third try of the match in the right corner, after quick hands from her side delivered her the ball.

Two kids with medals

Megan and brother Ben, who also plays for the Griffith Blacks. Both were grand final winners in 2023. Photo: Susan Harris.

Just before halftime, slick backline play got the pill to her again, and she showed off plenty of speed, outrunning any would-be Monaro tacklers for her second try.

Southern Inland comfortably won the match 48-15. The top performers may be picked for the ACT Brumbies women’s team.

Region caught up with Lonsdale, a Year 12 student from St Francis De Sales, to find out why she prefers union to league, her playing style, heroes and plans.

Why have you chosen to play rugby union?

I’d played netball for 13 years and I was getting sick of it. I tried rugby when I was 15 and found I enjoy it a lot more.

How is union better than league?

The people who play it are better.

I enjoy watching it more. There are more contests, it’s rougher. You never know what’s going to happen.

Griffith Blacks group photo

Megan training with the Griffith Blacks. Photo: Oliver Jacques.

Who are your favourite players?

Charlotte Caslick and Madi Levi, Australian women’s rugby sevens representatives.

Do you have a role model outside the sport?

My mum Susan Harris. She’s always been there for my brother and I; she’s always supported me in whatever I do.

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What style of winger are you?

I’m known for my speed. Me height gives me an advantage.

Some say wingers have it easy and just take the glory. Is that true?

I try not to just stay on the wing. I feel bad some days standing out wide while everyone is doing the work; if I can come in I come in.

What are your plans after you graduate from Year 12?

I want to go to TAFE and do vet nursing.

The Brumbies Provincial Championships represents the first stage of a senior representative program, which culminates in the Australian Rugby Shield in October. This tournament has unearthed some players who have later gone on to play for the ACT Brumbies.

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