Regional Development Australia Southern Inland chair Rowena Abbey. Photo: Supplied.
As a regional vision for the South East begins to come into focus, Regional Development Australia Southern Inland is looking for highly motivated community leaders to join its committee and play a decisive role in the region’s economic growth.
One of the key tasks for the incoming members will be developing a strategic plan for the next four years to ensure that the RDA Southern Inland organisation becomes an important partner to assist regional growth.
The committees of the national Regional Development Australia (RDA) network comprise local volunteers giving their time and energy to develop local solutions to local issues. They work with industry, communities and all levels of government to improve liveability in their designated regions and boost their economic firepower.
A key element for Southern Inland committee members will be the ability to articulate a regional vision outside local government boundaries and to recognise the South East’s substantial economic potential. That vision could include infrastructure, regional business development, tourism and other developing opportunities.
The Southern Inland region includes the Hilltops, Upper Lachlan, Goulburn Mulwaree, Queanbeyan-Palerang, Snowy Monaro, Wingecarribee and Yass Valley local government areas.
Applications are open for leaders to apply as an RDA Southern Inland committee member or deputy chair for a four-year term.
Rowena Abbey was recently appointed as the new RDA Southern Inland chair. She is currently the mayor of Yass Valley Council, chair of Canberra Region Joint Organisation, and chair of South Eastern Livestock Exchange, which runs sales yards in Yass and Mortlake, Victoria.
“The committee plays an important role in providing a high-level strategy to help create a strong and vibrant Southern Inland community,” said Ms Abbey.
“As the new chair of RDA Southern Inland, I’m looking forward to working with a refreshed committee to contribute to the direction and success of the RDA in our region and build on the great work that’s already been done during the past few years.
“We’d like a diverse, visionary and passionate group of leaders from across our region to contribute and I encourage anyone interested to put forward an application.”
Women, people from Indigenous and diverse cultural backgrounds, and people with a disability are encouraged to apply.
Applications close on Friday, 16 April, at 5:00 pm. To access the application pack, click here.
RDA Southern Inland is part of a national network of 52 Regional Development Australia committees.
Original Article published by Hannah Sparks on About Regional.