NSW police are conducting Operation Armour II until 25 September across eight police districts in the state’s south. Photo: Claire Fenwicke.
Police have launched an operation to improve firearm storage safety and reduce the risk of firearm theft in southern New South Wales.
Operation Armour II is a two-week program being conducted in eight police districts: the Riverina, Murray River, Murrumbidgee, Hume, Monaro, South Coast, Wollongong and Lake Illawarra.
The two-week operation, which runs until Wednesday, 25 September, focuses on safe storage inspections to reinforce responsible firearm ownership and provide strategies to reduce the risk of firearm theft.
Southern Region operations manager, Detective Superintendent Tim Beattie, said the exercise would reduce firearm-related crime and remind gun owners of their responsibilities.
”We know in regional and rural parts of the state, there are legitimate reasons for people to own a gun,” Detective Superintendent Beattie said. ”However, it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure they are following safe storage practices so they don’t end up in the hands of the wrong people.
“Guns can be dangerous in the possession of people who don’t hold a firearm licence, which is why we are reminding gun owners to take appropriate measures to not become the target of thieves.
“Don’t leave firearms in secondary dwellings or farmhouses which you aren’t living in. If you do, you need to take additional measures like installing an off-site alarm system you can monitor via smart technology.
“Hefty penalties apply if you don’t meet safe storage requirements, with a penalty of up to 12 months’ imprisonment and/or a $2200 fine for non-compliance.”
More information about responsibilities as a firearm owner, including licences, permits, sale and purchase and safe storage, can be found on the Firearms Registry page of the NSW Police Force website.