The kids are back and sliding mud-free at the Riverside playground. Photo: Chris Roe.
Like the proverbial phoenix from the ashes, Wagga’s Riverside playground has risen from the floodwaters and was reopened on Thursday afternoon.
It didn’t take long for the kids to head for the equipment with a handful hitting the park in the evening and giving it the thumbs up after emerging from the towering slides unmuddied.
Less than two weeks ago, much of the precinct was under almost a metre of water, leading to much speculation over just how floodproof the major community investment would prove to be.
Wagga City Council’s strategic asset planner Ben Creighton was pleased to see that the playground had performed as expected through its first flood.
“We positioned Riverside beside the river in order to create an ideal gathering place and destination for residents and visitors, capitalising on our city’s greatest assets: the river and the city centre,” Mr Creighton said.
“We knew the design was sound and we’re very pleased with the result – nothing was needed apart from a clean-up and some mulch replaced.”

The Riverside play park at flood peak. Photo: Chris Roe.
Once the water receded, council workers got busy clearing mud and debris from the area, giving the play equipment a scrub and scattering fresh loads of bark chips.
Seven-year-old Ella gave the tallest slide a go and was pleased to pop out the other end without dirty clothes.
“It’s a bit smelly, but it’s all clean,” she said with a grin.
And while there is a sour tang in the air around the precinct, the slides themselves are sparkling and smell more like soap than swamp.
Works and playground officer John Conlan said the team was well aware of how keen the kids were to get back to business in the park.
“There was quite a bit of mud and silt covering the ground and pathways, so we’ve been clearing that away before focusing on cleaning and disinfecting all the equipment,” he said.
“We wanted to ensure everything was safe and clean before we let the kids back, so we’ve really appreciated the community’s patience while we’ve been working.”

The team also replaced mulch around the plantings, which all survived but remain roped off as the grass and gardens continue to dry.
While the Riverside playground is open, there is still work to do in the Wagga beach carpark and barbecues will have their removable electrics reinstalled in the coming days.
“We’re working at getting the carpark cleaned up, so over the next few days we’re asking everyone to park at the CSU Riverina Playhouse and walk along the levee footpath to the playground,” Mr Creighton said.
“The ground is still very sodden, so please stay on the paths and give the ground and the grass time to dry out and recover.
“We’re looking forward to seeing the playground full of happy families again.”