If you recognise this cat, please contact Leeton Council. Photo: Leeton Shire Council.
On Friday (14 March), Leeton Shire Council put out an alert to locate a cat owner. It also issued a warning to those who walk dogs.
Lost cat
“Council is seeking assistance to locate the owner of the pictured cat that was found near Coolibah Street, Leeton [on Friday],” the council posted on social media.
“It would be greatly appreciated if you could share this post or tag someone who might know who this cat belongs to.
“If you are the owner, please contact Leeton Shire Council on 6953 0911 or via email to council@leeton.nsw.gov.au.”
Stray animals are impounded in the Leeton Shire Council Animal Pound (Impounding Facility). If your animal is impounded, you will need to pay an animal release fee.
The council maintains a register of lost and found animals in the shire.
Keeping dogs on a leash
“Dogs are a big part of people’s lives and it’s important to remember your responsibilities as a pet owner so everyone can enjoy our parks and open spaces,” Leeton Council says.
“Under the Companion Animals Act 1998, dogs must be kept on a leash in all public places. This means when you are outside your home, including on the footpath, your dog must be on a leash – exempt from this are the designated off-leash parks on Brobenah Road, Leeton, and in Yanco.
“Keeping your dog on a leash helps keep your dog safe from running onto the road or being separated from you. It also reduces the chance of your dog potentially causing a nuisance or harm to other people or animals.”
An on-the-spot penalty of $330 can apply for dogs not being on a lead and not being controlled.
The Companion Animals Act states:
- If a dog rushes at, attacks, bites, harasses, chases any person or animal, whether injury is caused or not, the owner of the dog is guilty of an offence.
- The penalty amount for a dog attack is $1320.
- Council has zero tolerance for dog attacks and will take enforcement action on owners of attacking dogs.