31 January 2025

'It's time to tackle the cost of living': James Gooden raises his hand for federal seat

| Jarryd Rowley
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Independent candidate for the Riverina James Gooden has put his hand up for the upcoming federal election.

Independent candidate for the Riverina James Gooden has put his hand up for the upcoming federal election. Photo: Supplied.

It’s time for a ‘Change for Good’.

That’s the slogan for independent candidate for the Riverina James Gooden, who aims to secure a seat in Federal Parliament later this year.

Looking to turn the tide on the cost-of-living crisis and party politics, Mr Gooden believes it is time for an independent member to advocate for the Riverina.

“We’ve got to make sure that we are well represented and strong representation in parliament is vital to that,” Mr Gooden said.

“I grew up on the western side of the Riverina between Narrandera and Jerilderie on Yanco Creek. I moved east 20-odd years ago when my wife and I started our family. We’ve spent our entire lives in this community and are educated about the needs of our Riverina community.

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“If elected, the first thing I will focus on is reducing the cost of living. People can’t afford to keep their homes; there’s been stamp duty relief to get people into the homes and other benefits but now interest rates are so high they can’t afford to keep them.

“The CPI needs to be under control, and we need to get interest rates down for small businesses, large businesses and families who own and are looking to own homes.”

Mr Gooden said one of the biggest hindrances to regional progress was the appointment of career politicians.

“The career politicians is an issue,” he said.

“The other most important thing is, is that they’ve been there for a long time, and they’ve got to abide by party politics. We need to really mix it up and have a strong independent like myself, purely because we don’t need to abide by others.

“For so long the Riverina has been seen as a ‘safe seat’ by the Coalition, yet we don’t get any of the benefits because we are seen as ‘safe’.

“We need to get the cost of living down and access to affordable health care and I don’t believe we will see that under another Nationals term.

“We need to be able to have sustainable farming, and we also need to be able to have food security.

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“Government spending is out of control, and we need to turn it around. We have a government that is now running around making all sorts of promises leading up to an election instead of making detailed and beneficial policies.

“We need a member who spends three years researching and looking on what people’s needs are to get elected, not five minutes before the election is held.”

Mr Gooden is asking everyone in the community to do their research before the federal election and to contact him and his team if they have any questions.

“Google James Gooden; look out for our fliers; our people are out and about everywhere,” he said.

“Don’t be afraid to reach out. Send an email, get in contact and if you’re interested in volunteering, supporting or donating, we’d like to have you on board to support us on this challenge.”

The federal election will be held on or before 17 May.

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“Government spending is out of control, and we need to turn it around. We have a government that is now running around making all sorts of promises leading up to an election instead of making detailed and beneficial policies”.
Would Mr Gooden care to enlighten us on what part of Government spending is out of control?
What part of these achievements does he deem as out of control spending, and what would he cut?
Pay rises of up to 13 per cent for aged care workers, an increase in the Medicare safety net threshold, multinational corporation anti-tax evasion laws, mandatory climate reporting for businesses, new vehicle emission standards, and the criminalisation of wage underpayment as wage theft, just to mention a few, all of them opposed by Peter Dutton and the Coalition.
These reforms, which come into effect this year, are just the most recent in a broader set of policy initiatives for which the government has received too little credit, if any, and which seem strangely invisible to the ‘objective’ media eye.
These include the introduction of Medicare bulk-billing urgent care clinics, the largest minimum wage increase in over a decade, cheaper prescription medicines, paid domestic violence leave, expanded childcare, making banks and social media companies responsible for scams which have cost vulnerable people thousands of dollars, protections for gig economy workers, reducing inflation from over 6 per cent to 2.8 per cent, and finishing the NBN with fibre to the premises, instead of Malcolm Turnbull’s old copper wire disaster.

Allan Norris2:08 pm 31 Jan 25

Mr Gooden is on the right track. How about legislating for maximum two consecutive terms and the Swedish electoral reform model. Something must be done about the quality of advice provided by incompetent public servants. Think about extradition for career criminals who arrived as “immigrants”.

I would like to know if Mr Gooden has ever been a member or supporter of any political party.
From Nationals right through to extreme right wing groups like One Nation, Family First, Australian Citizens Party etc.
Many of these so called Rural Independents are either disgruntled Nationals who missed out on pre-selction, or far right Christian zealots or have other extreme views they hide, as they declare they are Independent.
In voting for Mr Gooden, you are handing your views and political wants over to him for three years, to vote as he pleases.
At least with political parties, you have an idea of where they stand on issues, and whether they are somewhat aligned to your views.

I googled Mr Gooden, as per his suggestion in the article.
In summary, if they look like a National and talk like a National then they’re probably a founding member of a farming lobby group that didn’t have the support to knock Mr McCormack off his perch.

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