Is Star Wars Celebration coming to Wagga Wagga in 2025?. Photo: Chris Roe/Disney.
Well, the short answer is no, but there was a brief moment when we wondered.
It was day four of ‘Star Wars Celebration’ in London – the biggest gathering of Star Wars fans on the planet – and Peter Young was dressed as George “the Maker” Lucas in a check shirt and jeans, a grey wig, beard and glasses.
“Three of us dressed up as George Lucas and it went down amazingly, I’ve never been stopped so many times for my photo,” the Aussie physio and lifelong fan said with a laugh.
“Obviously hauling a high-end costume to London was not possible, so we went lo-fi and people really dug the multiple George Lucases … or is it more correct to say George Luci?”

Peter Young (centre) and his fellow George Lucases. Photo: Supplied.
Peter was part of a group representing the world’s longest running Star Wars fan club, Australia’s Star Walking Inc, and posting regular updates with photos and video from the event.
As the celebration reached its final day and the faithful eagerly awaited the announcement of the location for the next event, Peter decided that it was time the ‘outer rim’ got a look-in.
“This was the last thing that George and George did before heading into the Celebration Live stage to see the announcement of Celebration 2025 in Wagga Wagga,” he declared on the official Star Walking Inc social media account.

George and George with Rosario Dawson (Asoka) declaring Wagga the next host of Star Wars Celebration. Photo: Supplied/Facebook.
“Everyone was speculating about where the next Celebration would be and the hot money was on Orlando (Florida), but you know, I was happy to put a few dollars on an Australian event and if it was going to be in Australia, why not Wagga?” Peter explained with a laugh.
Heartbreakingly, the prediction did not bear fruit and it was Chiba, Japan that was named host city for 2025.

While Peter describes Celebration as “magic” he says queuing is the number one activity. Photo: Peter Young.
So while Wagga missed out this time, die-hard fans like Peter will only be in for a nine-hour flight rather than 20-plus hours to the US.
“We were all surprised when Japan was announced, but it’s actually great news for Australian fans because we can get there reasonably easily and it’s not a super long haul,” he said, adding that his previous journeys to Anaheim and now London were well worth the effort.
“Compared to other cons (pop culture conventions) Celebration is magic because it’s 100 per cent Star Wars,” Peter enthused.
“It’s an opportunity to network, it’s an opportunity to make new friends, it’s amazing.”

Return of the Jedi turns 40 on 25 May and will be rereleased. Photo: Disney.
In the meantime, Star Wars fans across the globe are celebrating the unofficial Star Wars day today, 4 May (May the 4th be with you!) and preparing for a special rerelease of Return of the Jedi which marks its 40th anniversary on 25 May.
To Star Wars fans across the galaxy, may the Force be with you … always.