Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman recently held a meeting with Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner Andrew Dyer to discuss issues with regional energy projects, including HumeLink. Photo: Jen Dumbrell.
NSW Minister for Local Government and Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman recently held a meeting with Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner Andrew Dyer.
At the meeting, she aired several concerns raised by the community regarding the planning around energy projects within her electorate, including the Tarago waste-to-energy facility and the HumeLink project.
In the case of the Tarago project, would-be nearby residents of the facility harbour significant fears regarding the impact on their health and overall quality of life should the project go ahead.
Ms Tuckerman recently spoke out against the project after a NSW Chief Scientist’s report argued the need for avoiding the facility’s proximity to food production.
She said that with the precinct surrounded by “fertile agricultural land, producing grain and livestock”, it would not be viable and that she would “never support any project that cannot guarantee the health and safety of my community or the environment”.
For the HumeLink project – a new 500kV transmission line that will connect Wagga Wagga, Bannaby and Maragle as part of the Federal Government’s Snowy Hydro 2.0 project – landowners along the proposed route are frustrated by the planning and communication surrounding the project. In particular, the avoidance of what they consider the more direct route through public land.
Ms Tuckerman said the conversations on both projects, and other energy projects in the region, were “productive”.
“I have been vocal in my strong opposition to waste-to-energy projects in the Goulburn electorate,” she said.
“In addition, I also share the concerns of residents and communities which will be impacted by the proposed HumeLink project.
“There are also countless issues that constituents and councils have brought to me with regard to current and proposed wind and solar projects.
“Mr Dyer has a wealth of experience in dealing with these matters. I discussed the meeting I had with the Minister for Energy and the need to better define the processes and guidelines around these projects.
“But the main reason for his visit was to meet with residents regarding the HumeLink project.
“These companies need to understand that a social licence is extremely important.
“I am certainly supportive of renewable energy and there are companies delivering agreed outcomes for communities, the environment and rural lifestyle.
“Residents need to be heard and genuinely consulted.”
Original Article published by Max O’Driscoll on About Regional.