8 September 2021

Horse-loving teen gets the jump on her preferred career

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Emily Quodling is hoping to turn her passion for equestrian into a career

Emily Quodling is hoping to turn her passion for equestrian into a career with the help of TAFE NSW. Photo: TAFE NSW.

A rising star of the regional show jumping scene has leapt into a TAFE NSW course while still at high school in a bid to turn her passion into a career.

Emily Quodling, a Year 11 student at Snowy Mountains Grammar, spends a period each school day undertaking a Statement of Attainment towards a Certificate III in Performance Horse through TAFE NSW Goulburn.

The talented 16-year-old has been a competitive show jumper from a young age, representing NSW in the Australian Interschools Championships and winning a swag of blue ribbons in local events.

But it was her desire to forge a career with competitive horses that led her to enrol in the TAFE NSW TVET course, which blends both theory and practical units and enables high school students to get credit towards a Certificate III in Performance Horse.

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Australia’s equine industry employs about 26,000 people and contributes about $5 billion annually to the economy.

“I wanted a subject I was passionate about and could engage with at school, and this TAFE NSW course was the perfect fit,” Emily said.

“I really want to work with horses every day for the rest of my life and maybe go overseas and work as a strapper for a show jumping stable.

“This course is giving me the practical skills to do just that.”

Units in the course include horse behaviour, basic handling, horse welfare and prepping horses for competition or sale.

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Emily described the personalised tuition from her TAFE NSW teacher as “amazing”.

TAFE NSW equine teacher Linda Molloy said there were multiple career opportunities available for well-trained TAFE NSW performance horse graduates,

“The industry is growing and there are certainly plenty of jobs out there for our graduates,” Ms Molloy said.

“The Certificate III in Performance Horse gives graduates the ability to move laterally in the industry and explore lots of different job opportunities.”

The Certificate III in Performance Horse is offered at both TAFE NSW Goulburn and Moss Vale, with semester two enrolments now open.

Original Article published by Kim Treasure on About Regional.

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