12 September 2024

Griffith's R U OK? team creates space to allow a check-in with your mates

| Chris Roe
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R U OK? benches with students at Griffith's Marian Catholic College.

R U OK? benches with students at Griffith’s Marian Catholic College. Photo: Supplied.

Over the past 15 years R U OK? Day has cemented itself on the national calendar, encouraging Australians to check in on each other and initiate important conversations about mental health.

Griffith’s Karen Snaidero became a community ambassador more than a decade ago and said she had seen a positive change in the region.

“I got involved after having my own struggles and somebody brought to my attention that I probably wasn’t OK.

“Once I was feeling a little bit better, I wanted to give something back to the community and stumbled across the R U OK team.

“I think that over the last few years, R U OK has morphed from the national day on the second Thursday of every September where we ask ‘Are you OK?’ to something we ask every day and as a solid, early intervention in mental health support.”

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Every year, ambassadors host a breakfast on the balcony of Peeches Coffee Lounge in Griffith which continues to grow.

“We’ve grown from maybe 20 to 30 people at the first breakfast to about 200 people coming through and grabbing a coffee and saying hello, picking up a wristband or a pen to mark the day in some way,” Karen said.

“At the very first breakfast, it was pretty quiet and there wasn’t a lot of chatter about mental health, but as the years have gone by, I hear people who don’t know each other sitting next to each other, opening up about things that they may have struggled with and listening to each other.

“As an ambassador, it just gives me goosebumps.”

Community ambassador Karen Snaidero is in Sydney to share Griffith's R U OK? story.

Community ambassador Karen Snaidero is in Sydney to share Griffith’s R U OK? story. Photo: Supplied.

This week, Karen is sharing Griffith’s experience at an R U OK Day event in Sydney, explaining their initiative to help the next generation remove the stigma around mental health.

“Our goal is to raise funds for ‘Conversation Corner’ benches and to put them into every school in our district,” she said.

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“Basically, they’re two simple little benches in the playground that face each other so kids can sit and talk to each other.

“It provides an opportunity to sit and have a conversation with your friends, or the teachers if you’re feeling lonely or if things are difficult.”

Griffith's R U OK? team aims to install benches at every school in the district.

Griffith’s R U OK? team aims to install benches at every school in the district. Photo: Supplied.

With Karen in Sydney for RU OK? Day, the Griffith team has decided to shift this year’s breakfast to October, but the conversations will continue.

“If you haven’t had the opportunity to ask somebody who’s maybe been struggling a little bit, or maybe you’ve been a bit afraid to ask, use the day as an opportunity to say – ‘Hey, I’ve noticed that you’ve been a bit down, are you OK?'” she said.

“Life happens and over the last year, things may have changed and you just don’t know what’s happened in somebody’s life so take the opportunity to ask the question, because once you ask it, it’s not too hard to ask it again.”

R U OK Day is a national suicide prevention charity and public health promotion that encourages people to stay connected.

If you or someone you know needs help, you can contact:
Lifeline’s 24-hour crisis support line – 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800 or kidshelpline.com.au
MensLine Australia – 1300 789 978.

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