More than 1 million drivers in NSW are on course to reclaim a demerit point if they can make it to 16 January infraction-free. Photo: Supplied.
We’re just days away from about half the state hitting the roads for the Christmas holidays and authorities are hoping to incentivise safe driving.
For the second year, the demerit point return scheme will reward drivers who manage to make it to 16 January without a traffic infringement.
“People are used to the stick of enforcement and double demerits but this is the carrot of reward for good behaviour,” said Minister for Roads John Graham.
“More than a million drivers have the chance to get a precious demerit point scrubbed from their licence, which in some cases can mean the difference between remaining on the road.
“If you drive for a living, then the reward for safe driving could be the difference between ongoing employment and losing your livelihood.”
About 1.5 million drivers were eligible for the scheme this year and about 70 per cent of those are still on course to have a demerit point scrubbed from their licence.
“These are very personal incentives to drive safely, but the broader effect is that safety on our roads is enhanced overall when people are making the right decisions to remain within the speed limit and within the law,” Mr Graham said.
“At a time when fatalities have been on the rise on our roads, we can all do something to make sure no more families are left grieving rather than celebrating Christmas and New Year.”
The reminder to travel safely comes as the number of fatalities continues to rise, with 323 deaths so far on NSW roads this year.
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison warned that regional accidents make up more than two-thirds of all deaths on NSW roads, despite only a third of the population living in the regions.
“Deaths and road trauma hit tight-knit regional and rural communities extra hard as everyone knows everyone and the grief, hurt and trauma impact even more widely,” she said.
“For those drivers who may have demerit points from previous years, but who have managed to keep their driving record clean this year, there will be a demerit reward if they can maintain their improved driving behaviours.
“It’s really simple to save lives on our road this Christmas and holiday period: stick to the speed limit, don’t drink and drive or use other drugs, put your mobile phone out of reach to avoid distraction, manage your fatigue and always, always wear a seatbelt.”
The demerit point scheme is open to eligible unrestricted and professional licence holders with active demerit points.
To qualify for the reduction, drivers must maintain an offence-free record for 12 months.