Julie, Courtney and ‘Jemma’ the Mastiff can’t wait to introduce you to the animals at the Glenfield Road shelter. Photo: Chris Roe.
The dogs are barking up a storm as Julie McPhail explains what’s in store for Wagga’s Glenfield Road Animal Shelter’s open day.
“We hope people understand that we are an asset to the community,” she says shrugging off persistent misconceptions about ‘the pound’.
“We’re the fuzzy ones. We like the dogs, we like the cats and take really good care of them.
“I’ve got a wonderful team of dedicated animal welfare officers that do a fantastic job.”
Julie is Wagga City Council’s animal welfare supervisor and looks forward to opening the doors for the family event from 10 am on Saturday and giving visitors an opportunity to meet the animals that are up for adoption.
There will be stalls, activities, a sausage sizzle and a chance to show off the shelter’s new upgraded facilities.
“We have done the concrete yard so we now have five exercise yards that the dogs are rotated through throughout the day,” she says.
“The other one is the shade cloth that’s gonna provide shade in the summertime and make it more comfortable out here.
“We’ve recently done painting to the building as well and upgraded the cattery.”

The team is proud of the facility that can house dozens of animals, including up to 40 dogs with in-floor heating and water on tap.
Welfare officer Courtney Krause says she loves her job and the opportunity to shower these neglected pets with affection.
“Anything we can do to make it fun for them, we can do that,” she smiles.
“Lots of treats, lots of hugs, so it helps me out too and it makes the workday so much better.”
But she admits that it can be tough at times when dealing with mistreated animals.
“It can be quite frustrating knowing that somebody is letting their animal down,” Courtney says.
“But they’re coming into good hands here and they’re always going to find a bit of home here.
“Whether they’re rehomed through us or handed off to a rescue group, they’re always going to find a good home.”
This is the message the Glenfield Road Animal Shelter team want to share this weekend, and they hope that for some, it will be a chance to meet their new best friend.
“Staff will be available to answer any questions, explain the adoption process, and take details to secure a pet should you find your perfect fur baby,” smiles Julie.
“For most people, adopting a shelter pet is a rewarding experience because it’s giving a new lease of life to an animal that has been given up or has gone through a tough time.”
But she warns that it is not a decision that should be taken lightly.
“Make sure that you can take that animal on, understanding that most of our dogs have quirks and that you may require some training,” she says.
“Are you ready for that responsibility? They’re not throwaways!”
Courtney agrees and says they are there to help people through the adoption process.
“Make sure your lifestyle is going to be suitable; think about how little kids are with a big dog,” she explains.
“You can always do a meet and greet if you do have other dogs and we can always match you with the dog that we think might be a right fit.”
Doors open from 10 am on Saturday with plenty planned for the whole family.