S&D Living stylist Simone Wohlers, owner of S&D Living Sheila Reynolds and S&D Living stylist Donna Parker. Photo: Supplied.
Who are Sheila Reynolds and Donna Parker?
Sheila – (Owner of S&D Living) I’m from Malaysia and moved to Australia 20 years ago. I started this business 15 years ago. Along with the coffee, I offer Malaysian food on and off. I’m going to start offering Malaysian food in two weeks’ time. The menu will include beef rendang, satay chicken, nasi-goreng, mi-goreng and Malaysian laksa.
Donna – (S&D Living stylist) I’m a mum of four kids and grandmother of six, and I love styling. We (Donna and styling partner Simone Wohlers) were working at another furniture store, and Sheila approached us to do some styling here (S&D Living).
Best recent dining experience:
Sheila – Searock in Sydney. The food was amazing. We go there every year.
Donna – Probably the same place.
Favourite cuisine:
Sheila – I like my Malaysian food and Chinese.
Donna – I love laksa and I love a good steak.
Most embarrassing pantry item:
Sheila – Gosh, I can’t think of anything. Probably junk food.
Donna – I had a jar of gravy that someone gave me and I completely forgot about it. I was wondering where the smell was coming from. And it was wrapped nicely and just sitting there for more than two weeks.
What ingredient can I not live without:
Sheila – Chilli.
Donna – Garlic.

S&D Living will have its Malaysian street food back in two weeks. A must-try is the laksa. Photo: S&D Living.
How many Weet-Bix do you do?
Sheila – Two.
Donna – Two.
Best coffee spot in Wagga:
Sheila – S&D and Trail Street.
Donna – Infuso in Turvey Park.
Favourite coffee:
Sheila – Latte.
Donna – Latte.
What’s your coffee blend?
Sheila – Dukes Coffee Roasters from Melbourne.

Photo: S&D Living.
What’s the weirdest coffee order you’ve received?
Sheila – Coffee, chocolate, almond milk, caramel and five sugars.

Sheila says her biggest culinary influence is her sister Helen. Photo: S&D Living.
Next big thing in the Wagga food scene:
Sheila – Drive-through Oporto. Everyone is talking about it.
A must-try on our menu:
Sheila – Laksa and beef rendang.

Photo: S&D Living.
Most used ingredient at S&D Living:
Sheila – Coffee.
Our top pick from our desserts:
Sheila – Almond and orange loaf.

Malaysian food will soon be available again at S&D Living. Photo: S&D Living.
Your biggest culinary influence?
Sheila – My sister Helen.
Donna – Also Helen, she has taught me a few things. She’s the one that’s going to be cooking all the Malaysian food.
Favourite cookbook:
Sheila – My favourite cookbook has to be anything by Donna Hay.
Donna – Same for me. It’s Donna Hay.
Who do you admire in the Wagga food and wine scene?
Sheila – Tammy and Robert from Thaigaa.
Donna – Same for me.

Photo: S&D Living.
What are this week’s specials at S&D Living?
Sheila – We’re going to start serving Malaysian food after Easter and for the specials, we’ll start with laksa or fried rice. My sister also does fried crispy chicken with lemon and a special sauce. And add some chilli on top.
Death row meal:
Sheila – Roti canai with a martini espresso.
Donna – Surf and turf with red wine.
Where are you travelling to next?
Sheila – I’m going to Bali.
Donna – I’m going down to Victoria.
Dream destination:
Sheila – Maldives.
Donna – Maybe Western Australia.
My biggest fear:
Sheila – My biggest fear is snakes.
Donna – I don’t like spiders.
My least favourite food:
Donna – Anything that is not normal, like kangaroo, snake, snail and offal.
Sheila – Same for me.
My top three cooking tips:
Sheila – Be clean, use fresh ingredients and spices.
Donna – Use salt and pepper. Fresh ingredients are a must and don’t overcook.