Graham Daniels, with his wife, Belinda Daniels, purchased Hog’s Breath Cafe 24 years ago. Photo: Hog’s Breath Cafe.
Who are Belinda and Graham Daniels:
Belinda – We were both born and raised in Tamworth, and we met at school in Year 10, and we’ve been together since. We’ve got two children, a boy and a girl. The girl has grown and has children of her own. We have three grandsons. They all live in Western Australia.
Graham – It was 24 years ago we started [Hog’s Breath Cafe] on 13 December 1999. We believed Hog’s Breath would be a good fit for Wagga. It took us 18 months to gather all the memorabilia and put the business together. Prior to purchasing the business back then, we had Eagle Boys. We moved to Wagga for Eagle Boys. Prior to that, I worked at Coles for 13 years, and we decided to do something for ourselves. Our son did his apprenticeship with us as a chef and he still does cooking.
Best recent dining experience: We had it at The Vic Hotel.
Favourite cuisine:
Belinda – Australian cuisine – lamb roast.
Graham – Australian cuisine – steak for myself.
What ingredient can I not live without:
Belinda – Corriander.
Graham – Blackened seasoning.

Try a hearty parmi the next time you’re at Hog’s Breath. Photo: Hog’s Breath Cafe.
Most embarrassing pantry/fridge item: Probably a can of spaghetti.
How many Weet-Bix do I do:
Belinda – I used to. When they were the right size, I used to have two.
Graham – I have three.
Best coffee spot in Wagga: We make the best coffee.

Hog’s Breath has delicious smoothies to try. Photo: Hog’s Breath Cafe.
Favourite coffee:
Graham – Belinda isn’t a coffee drinker, but I love a good old flat white.
What’s your coffee blend: Grinders coffee.

Sticky date pudding. Photo: Hog’s Breath Cafe.
What’s the weirdest coffee order you’ve received: We just always get asked, ‘Can we have it extra hot?’
Next biggest thing in the Wagga food scene:
Belinda – I think Wagga needs Pancakes on the Rocks. I go there every time I’m in Sydney. If we can’t have one of them here, then there’s something wrong.
Favourite place to lunch in Wagga: Our favourite place is The Coffee Club.

Get a platter to share with friends. Photo: Hog’s Breath Cafe.
A must-try on our menu:
Belinda – The lobster.
Graham – Our slow-cooked 18-hour steaks.
Most used ingredient at Hog’s Breath Cafe: [Potatoes] Our Hog Tail’s Curly Fries and steaks.
Our top pick from our desserts:
Belinda – The rocky road sundae.
Graham – Mississippi mud cake.

A rocky road sundae is one of Hog’s Breath Cafe’s must-tries from the dessert menu. Photo: Hog’s Breath Cafe.
My biggest culinary influence:
Graham – Chef John (Mitzewich) from Food Wishes.
Favourite cookbook:
Belinda – The Commonsense Cookery Book [by Home Econ Institute of Aust – NSW Div]. It was the very first cookbook my mother gave me.
Who I admire in the Wagga food and wine scene: Thaigga.

Chicken burger with curly fries. Photo: Hog’s Breath Cafe.
What are this week’s specials at Hog’s Breath Cafe: We have daily specials.
Death row meal:
Belinda – It will have to be a roast lamb with moscato.
Graham – Lamb dinner with Coke.
Where am I travelling to next:
Belinda – I haven’t left Wagga since 2017.
Graham – New Zealand.
Belinda – What about Tassie? I’d love to go to Tassie.

Hog’s Breath Cafe’s world-famous prime rib. Photo: Hog’s Breath Cafe.
Dream destination:
Belinda – Lapland in Finalnd … I would love to go there now.
Graham – New Zealand.
My biggest fear:
Belinda – My biggest fear is heights.
Graham – Not being able to service customers well.
My least favourite food:
Belinda – Pork. I don’t eat it at all. I can’t stand it.
Graham – I don’t like salmon.
My top three cooking tips:
Belinda – Don’t burn anything. Don’t boil the pan or pot dry and clean as you go.
Graham – Always make sure you present a great meal. Don’t overcook or burn, and flavour it with lots of seasoning.
Hog’s Breath Cafe is located at 180 Baylis Street, Wagga Wagga and is open from Monday to Sunday, 11:30 am to 2:30 pm and 5:30 to 9 pm.