Montana and Isabella Hillier help run their sister Kayla’s Heartbreak Cafe and Diner in Cootamundra. Photo: Shri Gayathirie Rajen.
Who is Isabella Hillier: My name is Isabella Hillier and my twin sister Kayla is the owner of Heartbreak Cafe. She’s young and successful and has owned this place for three years. She bought the cafe when we were 19 and I have been helping her out with it since. My sister really loves cooking, that’s why she decided to buy and run the cafe. We were born in Wagga Wagga, lived in West Wyalong for 19 years and moved to Cootamundra as soon as we bought the shop. Cootamundra is a friendly little town. My future goals and aspirations would be to own a bigger business.
Best recent dining experience: I don’t normally eat out. I just eat at home, but the only other place I normally go is KFC.
Favourite cuisine: My favourite cuisine is Chinese.
What ingredient can I not live without: I can’t live without avocados.
How many Weet-Bix do I do: I normally have two Weet-Bix.
Best coffee spot in Cootamundra: The best coffee spot is here. Heartbreak Cafe.
Favourite coffee: I like a good cappuccino.

According to Isabella, a must-try on Heartbreak Cafe’s menu are the kebabs. Try the kebabs when you’re in Cootamundra next time. Photo: Heartbreak Cafe and Diner.
What’s your coffee blend: We use Trail St Blend (Full Circle Coffee Roasters).
Next big thing in the Cootamundra food scene: I think the next big thing in the Cootamundra food scene would have to be McDonald’s.
Favourite place to lunch in Cootamundra: My favourite place to lunch is here at Heartbreak Cafe.

Heartbreak Cafe’s Chicken Heart Attack Burger. Photo: Heartbreak Cafe and Diner.
A must-try on our menu: I would say our kebabs are a must-try.
Most used ingredient at the Heartbreak Cafe & Diner: Bacon would have to be the most used ingredient for us.
My biggest culinary influence: My dad. He is a very good cook. I pretty much cook whatever he cooks.

Heartbreak Cafe and Diner offers a range of sandwiches, salads and wraps of your choice. Photo: Heartbreak Cafe and Diner.
Who I admire in the Cootamundra food and wine scene: I admire the owners of Helen’s Coffee Lounge.
What are this week’s specials at Heartbreak Cafe & Diner: We don’t have weekly specials but we have daily ones.
Death row meal: My last meal would be rump steak, chips and salad. And for drinks, I’ll just have water.
Dream destination: My dream destination would be Sydney.
My biggest fear: My biggest fear is heights. I have been scared of heights ever since I was a little girl.
My top three cooking tips: I normally wing it, but my cooking tips would be to always use fresh ingredients and be experimental in what you cook.