Kayshe espresso owner Deklyn Lomax always wanted to have his own cafe. Photo: Supplied.
Who is Deklyn Lomax? I’m 19 and bought Kayshe espresso when I was 18. It had always been a dream of mine to open a cafe. I was going to open one in Wollongong and was two weeks away from moving there, but the opportunity for this cafe came up. I thought it was a sign and I had to stay in town. Now I can’t imagine not doing it. It’s probably the best decision I ever made.
Best recent dining experience: The food from Bali when I was on holiday there. They have the best customer service.
Favourite cuisine: I don’t have one. I just really enjoy food.
Most embarrassing pantry item: I don’t have anything.

Open sushi bowl is a must try on the Kayshe espresso menu. Photo: Kayshe espresso.
What ingredient can I not live without? I can’t live without coffee.
Best coffee spot in Temora: Kayshe espresso.

Pesto chicken and roast veggie toastie. Photo: Kayshe espresso.
What’s your coffee blend? Campos Coffee.
Next big thing on the Temora food scene: The Railway Hotel.

Half sweets, half fruit platter. Photo: Kayshe espresso.
A must-try on our menu: Pulled beef toastie. They are quite good. And open sushi bowl. People underrate them, they are so simple but delicious.
My biggest culinary influence: I’m going to say Jamie Oliver.

Delicious granola bowls. Photo: Kayshe espresso.
Favourite cookbook: I don’t even have one.
Who I admire on the Temora food and wine scene: My auntie Heather Greenham. She runs the Shamrock Hotel. She’s amazing.

Wellness Bowl with lemon and herb chicken, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, sweet potato, red onion, carrot, boiled eggs, lemongrass rice, and sweet potato mix, all topped with green goddess dressing. Photo: Kayshe espresso.
What are this week’s specials at Kayshe espresso? We have daily specials. So from Monday to Friday, we set a menu and post it on our socials. Our specials will include dishes like creamy pasta salad, chicken and veggie relish baguette, chicken avocado toastie, taco bowl and open sushi bowl.
Death row meal: Mango chicken and butter chicken.
My least favourite food: Chinese food.
My top three cooking tips: I don’t really cook, I’m more about the coffee.