The woman was taken to Griffith Police Station for a breath test. Photo: SCM Jeans.
A 32-year-old woman on a provisional licence allegedly blew more than five times the legal alcohol limit for a fully licensed driver during a police breath test in Griffith over Easter.
Griffith Police Inspector Glenn Smith informed Region the incident allegedly occurred at 10 am on Good Friday, 29 March.
The woman was seen driving a silver Volkswagen station wagon along Beelbangera Road towards Yenda. Police were flagged down by several members of the public due to her manner of driving.
The woman was stopped, produced a P1 [Provisional] NSW driver’s licence and was submitted to a breath test which she allegedly failed. She was arrested and taken to Griffith Police Station where a breath analysis allegedly returned a reading of 0.274. The woman claimed she had only had two beers.
In NSW, a provisional driver is not permitted to have any alcohol in their system when driving. The legal limit for a fully licensed driver is 0.05.
Police suspended the woman’s licence and issued her with a notice informing her she had to attend court. She will appear before the Griffith Local Court on 15 May to answer for this alleged offence.
Gordon Braid was in my class WWHS in 1955 and 56, was a good diver. View