Deniliquin Hospital pharmacist Felicity Kelly recently had her second child. Photo: Murrumbidgee Local Health District.
Felicity Kelly juggles her life as a pharmacist at Deniliquin Hospital and a busy mother of two boys.
The pharmacist’s role involves working with doctors and patients when medication is prescribed.
She helps to ensure that those who visit the pharmacy receive the appropriate medications in a safe, timely and regularly reviewed fashion.
“We encourage patients to talk to us about what they are taking at home, about the medication we are prescribing, and we are all about putting patients at the centre of their care,” Felicity said.
The pharmacist completed her degree in Wagga and began her career as an intern pharmacist at Wagga Base Hospital.
Despite working in the metropolitan areas of Melbourne and Geelong, Felicity’s heart found its way back home to regional NSW.
“Wagga was one of my favourite workplaces,” Felicity said. “I loved my time there.
“I like the willingness of people to work together and the collaborative nature of the work we’re doing.”
Ms Kelly said her role at the hospital was “a lot more supportive and a lot less competitive.”
“There really is no other job like it, and the varied nature of the work that you do is unlike anything else you’ll get anywhere,” she said.
Felicity often found in places where she had worked, the job was more specialised.
“You choose an area to work in, you go work there. Whereas here (Deniliquin Hospital), you get a little bit of everything, and it’s very general.
“And there is always someone there that is happy to teach you what you don’t know.”
Felicity knows how to provide the best level of patient care. She’s had firsthand experience being a patient in a regional hospital, delivering both her sons at Deniliquin Hospital.
She said as a health professional, sometimes there were high expectations.
“I was pleasantly surprised at the varied and extensive experience our midwives at Deniliquin Hospital have,” Felicity said.
“Our family has been really well connected to other services like the child and maternal health nurses, helping me with a smooth transition home with our new baby.
“Deniliquin is an excellent place to raise a family, and we’re lucky to have had the opportunity to have such specialised jobs that we absolutely love within the Deniliquin community,” she said.