Mission Australia invites Riverina youth to participate in its annual youth survey. Photo: Prostock-Studio.
Young people of the Riverina are invited to share their concerns and opinions on what matters to them the most.
Mission Australia is calling on 15- to 19-year-olds to have their say in the charity’s 23rd annual youth survey.
The 2024 Mission Australia Youth Survey is an invaluable opportunity for young people to share what they view as the key issues impacting the country and highlight their challenges.
A wide range of topics, including questions on mental health and wellbeing, sources of support and community connections, housing and financial situations, climate change, and personal concerns such as body image, bullying, discrimination and stress are the focus of the survey. Young people are also asked to offer solutions to the personal issues they face.
The survey also includes additional focus topics such as social media use, loneliness and opinions relating to alcohol and drugs.
The 4500 young people who participated in last year’s survey revealed what they believed were the most important issues in Australia, including the environment (42 per cent), mental health (37 per cent), and equity and discrimination (33 per cent).
The 2023 responses showed that mental health challenges were impacting NSW young people, with 43 per cent of respondents saying they were personally extremely or very concerned about coping with stress and more than one in four (27 per cent) reporting high psychological distress.
Mission Australia State Director NSW Nada Nasser said the survey provided a window into how young people were managing the pressures that came from being a teenager today.
“Young people are clearly experiencing stress and anxiety in their daily lives as they navigate school while also feeling the impact of societal issues such as climate change and the cost-of-living crisis,” Ms Nassar said.
“We must listen to what young people are telling us and use that knowledge to target support services towards them,” Ms Nasser added.
Mission Australia will compile the survey results and share them with government and non-government entities, schools and the public in November.
The survey is open until August and takes 20 minutes to complete.
Respondents can complete it online, either through arrangements with participating schools or groups, or individually through Mission Australia’s website.
Visit Mission Australia to complete the survey and spread the word by using the hashtag #YouthSurvey2024.