The speed limit on Burley Griffin Way at Harden will be reduced to 80 km/h. Photo: Wiki Commons.
Motorists on Burley Griffin Way will need to ease off the accelerator as they come through Harden, with the speed limit to be dropped to 80 km/h from next week.
From Wednesday, 1 November, the speed limit will drop from 100 km/h to 80 km/h for a 3.6-kilometre stretch along the highway.
“A speed zone review was initiated in response to a request from local police due to safety concerns,” a Transport for NSW spokesperson said.
“The review found a history of four crashes in recent years and poor visibility for motorists entering and exiting Wombat Road.
“Reducing the speed limit to 80 km/h is appropriate for the road environment and will improve safety for motorists and reduce the likelihood of crashes.”
In NSW, speeding contributes to 40 per cent of road fatalities and 24 per cent of serious injuries from road crashes each year.
“Speeding is the biggest contributor to road trauma in NSW so it’s important that motorists are aware of the changed speed limit and follow the road rules,” the spokesperson said.
”Speeding increases both the risk of a crash happening, as well as the likelihood of death or serious injury.”

Speed zone changes for Burley Griffin Way near Harden. Photo: Transport for NSW.
Work to install new signage and road marking will be carried out between 7 am and 5 pm on Wednesday, 1 November, weather permitting. Traffic control will be in place for the safety of workers and motorists.
Message boards will also be installed on site to notify motorists of the changed speed limit.