Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke with TAFE NSW Cootamundra nursing student Jessica Davidson. Jessica is one of many students who will benefit from the Connected Learning Point. Photo. Supplied.
The Cootamundra local government area is set to increase the accessibility of high-quality training for nurses through TAFE NSW.
TAFE NSW Cootamundra has recently added a Diploma of Nursing to its offerings, which is set to expand the opportunities for regionally based students.
Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke said that through the diploma the regionally based students would be able to get in demand skills in the booming industry.
“It was a wonderful opportunity to catch up with students embarking on a career in nursing,” Ms Cooke said.
“We know there is great demand for nurses across NSW, particularly in rural and regional areas.
“It’s fantastic that students will be able to learn these nursing skills right here in their own community, and when they finish, they will have their placement in a regional hospital,” Ms Cooke said.
Ms Cooke said TAFE NSW was making it easier for students to have a good study/life balance by running the course in a virtual classroom and face-to-face.
“Our healthcare heroes have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic and it’s crucial we continue to support them to deliver quality healthcare,” Ms Cooke said.
Ms Cooke said the NSW Government’s commitment to supporting locals to upskill could also be seen through the recent funding for the Connected Learning Point at TAFE NSW Cootamundra.
The learning points are set to provide students and employers greater choice and better access to world-class learning opportunities across regional communities.
The initiative is custom designed to utilise modern, digitally-enabled technologies, including virtual reality experiences and simulations.
It offers a wider range of choices, more accessible, practical training, and flexible learning with better access to teachers and support services.
Minister for Skills and Training Alister Henskens said the State Government was delivering more opportunities to help people get the skills they needed for the jobs they wanted.
“By investing in our local communities and in courses like this, we can help secure a brighter future for NSW families,” Mr Henskens said.
“NSW is leading the nation when it comes to skills and training, with more people in training than any other state, ensuring that we continue to build a strong pipeline of skilled, job-ready workers to help grow our economy.”
Next year TAFE NSW Cootamundra will offer an Introduction to Careers in Health course which will provide further opportunities to pick up in demand skills for a rewarding career.
For more information on courses available, go to TAFE NSW.