Police are warning residents to be wary of the ‘Bitumen Bandits’ offering discounted asphalt laying services. Photo: BrankoBG.
Griffith police have warned residents to be wary of a business going by the name ‘Bitumen Bandits’, who offer discounted services of asphalt laying to resurface a driveway or other areas.
“In recent weeks we have had a few reports about [these] tradesmen [in Griffith],” District Inspector Glenn Smith told Region.
“They typically arrive unannounced and offer discounted services of asphalt laying or resurfacing. They may say they have leftover supplies from another job. Quite often they are run by foreign workers from the UK or similar.
“They perform poor workmanship and when the surface falls apart in a few weeks’ time, they are nowhere to be found.”
Police also allege the materials used by the ‘Bitumen Bandits’ have been stolen, and the business is known to launder their money for illegal use.
The men have previously targeted homes, small businesses, and commercial sites, and they have recently been seen in the Griffith area.
“If you are approached by people offering to do cheap bitumen or asphalt services, it’s a case of buyer beware, as you will most likely be getting an inferior job done,” Mr Smith said.
If you have any more information regarding the ‘Bitumen Bandits’ please call Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 or Griffith Police 6969 4299.