Littlies love Rhyme time at Griffith City Library. Photo: Oliver Jacques.
Griffith City Library has a reputation for innovation. Over the years it has branched out from simple book lending to hosting big name celebrity events, showcasing foreign films in a mini-cinema and providing educational activities for both children and adults.
“It’s often the first place people come to when they’re new to Griffith,” Library manager Rina Cannon says.
One of its most popular weekly fixtures is Rhyme Time, formerly known as Baby Bounce, where infants are read stories and taught to dance and sing songs.
It’s about as close to a discotheque as these tots can hope for at this point in their lives.
Rhyme Time aims to develop language and listening skills and foster a love of books from an early age.
Held every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am, new parents and babies are always welcome.
Region Riverina profiled two regular clients.

Harry and Jackie at Rhyme Time.
Name: Harry Connelly (AKA Happy Happy)
Age: 1
Place of Birth: Griffith Base Hospital
Relationship status: Single
Parents: Jackie and Adam of Riv Connect Security and Communications
Personality in a word: Happy
Hobbies: Tormenting his sister, poking his tongue out
Favourite food: Pears
Music preference: Hard rock
Predicted future career: Technician for Riv Connect Security and Communications

Henry and Cassandra at Baby Bounce.
Name: Henry Keady
Age: 14 months
Place of Birth: Griffith Base Hospital
Relationship status: Single
Parents: Cassandra and Andrew
Personality in a word: Chilled
Hobbies: Playing and swimming
Favourite food: Chips
Music preference: The Wiggles
Predicted future career: Doctor or Pharmacist